Associate Professor

Condensed Matter Physics Department


ORCID 0000-0002-3221-1211

Researcher ID B-7107-2011

Featured publications

  1. Continuous-time random-walk model for financial distributions
    By: Masoliver, J; Montero, M; Weiss
    GH PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 67 Issue: 2 Article Number: 021112 Part: 1 Published: FEB 2003  
  2. Monotonic continuous-time random walks with drift and stochastic reset events
    By: Montero, Miquel; Villarroel, Javier
    PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 87 Issue: 1 Article Number: 012116 Published: JAN 16 2013 
  3. Quantum walk with a general coin: exact solution and asymptotic properties
    By: Montero, Miquel
    QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Pages: 839-866 Published: MAR 2015