
Despatx E101, Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica

Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica

ORCID 0000-0002-2257-7164

Researcher ID AAC-8158-2020

Featured publications

  1. Hernández-González, J., Inza, I., Crisol-Ortiz, L., Guembe, M.A., Iñarra, M.J., Lozano, J.A. (2018) Fitting the data from embryo implantation prediction: learning from label proportions. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 27(4): 1056-1066
  2. Hernández-González, J., Inza, I., Lozano, J.A. (2016) Weak supervision and other non-standard classification problems: a taxonomy. Pattern Recognition Letters 69: 49-55
  3. Hernández-González, J., Inza, I., Lozano, J.A. (2013) Learning Bayesian network classifiers from label proportions. Pattern Recognition 46(12): 3425-3440