Permanent Member

Condensed Matter Physics Department

ORCID 0000-0002-6154-439X

Researcher ID S-8777-2016

Featured publications

  1. Noise focusing and the emergence of coherent activity in neuronal cultures.
    Orlandi, J.G., Soriano, J., Alvarez-Lacalle, E., Teller, S., and Casademunt, J..
    Nature Physics, 9, 582-590 (2013).
  2. Formation of helical membrane tubes around microtubules by single-headed kinesin KIF1A.
    Oriola, D.; Roth, S.; Dogterom, M.; Casademunt, J..
    Nature Communications 6, 8025 (2015)
  3. Formation of metastable phases by spinodal decomposition.
    Alert, R., Tierno, P., and Casademunt, J..
    Nature Communications 7, 13067 (2016)