Phase transitions in materials

22-09-2023 (Aula Magna Enric Casassas, Física UB)

Honoring the 70th birthday of Prof. Antoni Planes

event picture

9.30-9.45 Welcome by Xavier Batlle (Head of the Dept. of Condensed Matter Physics) 9.45-10.30 Lluís Mañosa (UB). Toni: The Quiet Wisdom.
10.50-11.20 Avadh Saxena (Los Alamos National Laboratory, US). A mesoscopic peregrination through phase transitions: Ferroics, multiferroics and beyond.

11.20-11.50 Mehmet Acet (Duisburg Essen Universität, Germany). Magnetism of Ni- Mn-based functional Heuslers.

11.50-12.20 Ekhard Salje (University of Cambridge, UK). Progress in Avalanche Research.

12.20-12.40 Jordi Marcos (CELLS-ALBA). ALBA Synchrotron: past, present and future of Catalonia’s Synchrotron Light Source.
12.40-13.00 Marcel Porta (UB). Comparison between elastocaloric and flexocaloric effects in shape memory alloys.

14.30-15.00 Xavier Moya (University of Cambridge, UK). Ferroelectric materials and devices.
15.00-15.20 Jordi Ortín (UB). In the beginning, there was the thermodynamics of hysteresis.

15.20-15.40 Pol Lloveras (UPC). Disorder as a source of colossal barocaloric effects. 16.00-16.20 Carlos Frontera (ICMAB). Spin Hall magnetoresistance in La2CoMnO6/Pt bilayers and the role of magnetic interface.
16.20-16.50 Francisco José Pérez-Reche (University of Aberdeen, UK). Power-law and lognormal avalanche size statistics in solids and living cells.

16.50-17.20 Eduard Vives (UB). Labquakes: scale invariance, power-laws and double powerlaws.
17.20-17.50 Online contributions.