
History and Archaeology Department

ORCID 0000-0002-2779-159X

Featured publications

  1. The Economy of Laetanian Wine: A Conceptual Framework to Analyse an Intensive/Specialized Winegrowing Production System and Trade (First Century BC to Third Century
    Martín Oliveras, A.; Revilla Calvo, V. 2019:
    Philip Verhagen, Jamie Joyce Mark, R. Groenhuijzen (eds.), Finding the Limits of the Limes Modelling Demography, Economy and Transport on the Edge of the Roman Empire, Springer Nature, p. 129-164. ISBN 978-3-030-04575-3.
  2. Rural religion, religious places and local identities in Hispania: The Sanctuary at Can Modolell (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona)
    Sinner, A. G.; Revilla Calvo, V.
    Journal of Roman Archaeology 30, 267-282.(2017)
  3. The Wine Economy in Roman Hispania. Archaeological data and modellization
    Martín Oliveras, A.; Martín-Arroyo Sánchez, D.; Revilla Calvo V.
    J. Remesal (ed.), Economía romana. Nuevas perspectivas. The Roman economy. New perspectives, Universitat de Barcelona, col·lecció Instrumenta 55, 189-236. (2017)